My first full week of work was full of experiences. Meeting so many patients from all around the world was probably the highlight of the week. It's fun to talk to them and see what brought them to the island and how long they've been here. I've also learned the way things work in the hospital. For example, the shifts are 9 hour shifts. The overlap of day to evening shift is two hours, the overlap of evening to night shift is one hour, and there is no overlap for night to day shift. That means you have way too much time to give report and finish your work during the afternoon and evening and none in the am. Nursing is a 24 hour a day job. If you don't get something done on your shift, guess what...there is someone there to finish it for you. So, I'm not really sure why the shifts are scheduled that way.
Also, there are no assignments made. If there is a need to have two nurses on shift they will take report on all the patients and pick their own assignments. Also, the whole hospital is in need of computer assistance. Even though when I worked the floor at Grant we didn't have full computer charting we still were able to put orders into the computer that would communicate with dietary, physical therapy, radiology, lab, etc. The inefficiency, mis-communication and/or lack of communication is a real challenge for me. A few times patients haven't even received meals. Not to mention the waste of time it is to walk your orders to the department and wait to find a staff member to hand it to. But, on the bright side we are supposed to get computer charting in the next few months. I'm not sure if is purely for nursing or if it will be hospital wide but it will be a step in the right direction.
The beach today |
Last Friday I worked my first evening shift. It wasn't bad at all. I had the whole weekend off and worked another evening shift (2-11) on Monday. Tonight is my first night shift (10p-7a). Not sure how I am going to stay awake. I tried to sleep in today...only made it to 8am. I rode the bike to the beach and layed out for a couple hours.
On my bike ride home I stopped on the bridge that goes over part of Jimmy's course.
I found this guy sunbathing on the bridge.
And then this little photo-bomber popped up.
I tried to nap when I got home this afternoon...only got an hour. I'm sure tomorrow I will sleep well and it will be easier to stay awake tomorrow night for my second night shift.
The weekend before last I was supposed to meet some of the nurses out for a drink but we rescheduled. This past Saturday Jimmy and I went out with them on a party boat for one of the nurse's birthday. We were able to meet their boyfriends and other people who live on the island. It was a lot of fun! (I had to take the whole next day to recover!) We stopped at Stingray City and Starfish Point. Both of which we have been to before but this time I had a waterproof camera! Unfortunately I didn't take enough pics so I haven't developed them yet. I had my phone with me but was afraid to drop it in the water so I only have a few bad pictures and this awesome one of the sunset!
Our current place |
We have an appointment on Thursday evening to sign the lease for our new place. It is only 1/2 a mile down the same street we live on now. But, it has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, way more storage and space, a screened in porch, walk-in closet, pool and a bigger kitchen! (While it was perfect for Jimmy when he lived here alone, it is very hard for us to be in our current kitchen together without stepping all over each other.) It is closer to the water, too. So, it will be even easier to see the sunrise in the morning!! So, once we move the first of March you all are invited to come visit!!